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קורס דיבור מול קהל דייל קארנגי ישראל - העברת פרזנטציות ליחידים ולארגונים.png
דייל קארנגי ישראל הכשרת מנהלים ופיתוח אישי.png

People Skills Will Never Go Out of Fashion

The rise in job automation will see many current positions become defunct, but the need for ‘soft skills’ will always be relevant.

Research by Harvard Business Review showed:

empathetic companies outperformed their competitors by


of successful employers assert that soft skills are as or more important than hard skills.


The Dale Carnegie Course

The Dale Carnegie Course shows individuals how to leverage their skills to strengthen relationships between colleagues, solve problems, create collaborative cultures, boost morale and motivation, and ultimately deliver outstanding bottom line results.

דייל קארנגי ישראל הכשרות מנהלים ויחידים פיתוח אישי ופיתוח אישי  לארגונים ולמנהלים.png

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In this course you will gain


You’ll be better equipped to perform as an influential communicator

problem-solver and focused leader. You’ll learn to strengthen interpersonal relationships, manage stress and handle fast-changing workplace conditions. And you’ll develop a take-charge attitude initiated with confidence and enthusiasm.

You will tackle complex challenges

expand your ingenuity, and excel in building team harmony. Use the new skills to become a more persuasive communicator, securing your place as a valued contributor. As you become more adept at influencing, you’ll find yourself inspiring others to take initiative and innovate.


build trust and motivate people to act

. Gain ways to project an enthusiastic attitude, communicate logically, clearly and concisely; and energise and engage listeners. Discover ways to manage stress and minimise worry, encourage positive thinking, and commit to continuous improvement.

What You’ll Learn

High Impact Presentations

Effective communication is critical in any role. Whether you are persuading colleagues, selling to a client, or energizing a team, the power of your presentation makes the difference between success and failure. This course teaches how to properly execute your presentation and stand out from the crowd!

באנרים לאתר wix לבלוג של דייל קארנגי _edited.jpg

What You’ll Learn

Learn to communicate with clarity and certainty, interact with a natural and composed demeanour, and convey complex material directly and simply. Discover ways to project confidence and enthusiasm while building credibility. Explore techniques to overcome adverse situations and invigorate people to embrace change and take action!


Why you want to learn it

Since 1912, Dale Carnegie has been giving business people the tools to successfully navigate complex business environments. This course provides the skills that empower you to communicate confidently and capably to any audience. You’ll receive proven methods and techniques to develop compelling presentations with universal appeal –yielding consistent, positive results.

דייל קארנגי ישראל הכשרות מנהלים ויחידים פיתוח אישי ופיתוח עסקי לארגונים ולמנהלים.jpeg

How it will help you

It’s an experience that makes a marked difference in business results. Your audience will view you as prepared, informed, and confident. You’ll see measurable gains in communication, personal and corporate image, and ultimately, your bottom line.

דייל קארנגי ישראל הכשרות מנהלים ויחידים פיתוח אישי ופיתוח עסקי לארגונים ולמנהלים.jpg

Winning with Relationship Selling

We are uniquely positioned to prepare sales professionals to transition into the new world where collaboration, confidence and credibility are the way to connect with customers to increase business. Today’s customers are just too savvy for old tricks. Dale Carnegie’s proven selling process includes human relations skills grounded in timeless fundamentals from “How to Win Friends and Influence People”.nd introduce the services you offer. Click on the text box to edit the content.

What You’ll Learn

Learn the importance of a confident attitude when interacting with customers. Develop active listening skills to uncover customer needs and head off challenges. Find out how to establish credibility, and communicate your value by focusing on customer-centric solutions.

Why you want to learn it

When customers have completed 70% of the buying process or can complete many online purchases without ever engaging with a single salesperson, traditional sales tactics simply no longer work. Your customers are the personification of the empowered consumer, knowledgeable beyond the need for basic information. You need a relationship-selling approach that leads to a profitable relationship.

How it will help you

By mastering a relationship-based selling approach, you can offer your customers value they can’t find on the Internet: You! And you position yourself for long-term partnerships that bring positive outcomes for all parties.

Develop your Leadership – Stop Doing Start Leading

Give your emerging leaders and your high potential employees the skills to transition from a high performer or a good supervisor into an effective and engaging leader

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דייל קארנגי ישראל הכשרות מנהלים ויחידים פיתוח אישי ופיתוח אישי  לארגונים ולמנהלים.png

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דייל קארנגי, אחת מחברות ההכשרה הגדולות בעולם, נוסדה בשנת 1912, בהשראת האמונה של אדם אחד בכוחו של שיפור עצמי.


מאז, דייל קארנגי התפתחה לארגון החוצה גבולות ודורות ומראה לאנשים כיצד לנצל את החוזקות שלהם על מנת לשפר את החיים שלהם ושל האנשים סביבם.

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תודה רבה, קיבלנו את המייל שלך

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